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BWA and the Santa Clara County (SCC) of Behavioral Health Services Department launch "Influencer" Campaign to reach SCC parents
Submitted by brittanyc on Mon, 2019-05-13 18:29
Influencer is a public health campaign created by Better World Advertising for the Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Department: Department of Alcohol and Drug Services Santa Clara County. This countywide campaign is aimed at parents of teenagers ages 13-18 living in Santa Clara County. The campaign is seeking to help parents successfully counsel their teenage children about drug use and how to avoid/ post pone use. Ads are schduled to run via buses, transit shelters, ECO posters, Facebook ads and posts, and campaign material (palm cards and posters). All ads direct users to talk-drugs.org, where individuals can find more information about the importance of open, honest, and frequent communication between parents and their children.