PrEP is For


Santa Clara County
Getting to Zero Silicon Valley Santa Clara County
To increase awareness of PrEP among young Latino men who have sex with men (MSM) and establish PrEP as a highly effective way to protect against HIV.
Latino men who have sex with men, 20-29 years old
LGBT+ Bars, Convenience Store Ads, Print Ads, Transit Ads (VTA Buses, VTA Light Rail, Interior Cards, Station Posters), Transit Shelter Ads, Billboards, Digital Banner Ads, Radio Ads (Spanish), Gym Towels, Fans, Jockstraps, T-Shirts, Posters, Palm Cards, Retractable Banners, Coasters, Condoms, Cardboard Cut-Outs
English, Spanish
After seeing this campaign 76% of respondents agreed that they would talk with their doctor about PrEP. 73% felt the campaign had personal meaning to them. Additionally during the campaign's run 24% of respondents began taking PrEP.

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